Proverbs - Chapter 14 | Good News Translation

  • 1. Homes are made by the wisdom of women, but are destroyed by foolishness.
  • 2. Be honest and you show that you have reverence for the LORD; be dishonest and you show that you do not.
  • 3. Proud fools talk too much; the words of the wise protect them.
  • 4. Without any oxen to pull the plow your barn will be empty, but with them it will be full of grain.
  • 5. A reliable witness always tells the truth, but an unreliable one tells nothing but lies.
  • 6. Conceited people can never become wise, but intelligent people learn easily.
  • 7. Stay away from foolish people; they have nothing to teach you.
  • 8. Why is a clever person wise? Because he knows what to do. Why is a stupid person foolish? Because he only thinks he knows.
  • 9. Foolish people don't care if they sin, but good people want to be forgiven.
  • 10. Your joy is your own; your bitterness is your own. No one can share them with you.
  • 11. A good person's house will still be standing after an evildoer's house has been destroyed.
  • 12. What you think is the right road may lead to death.
  • 13. Laughter may hide sadness. When happiness is gone, sorrow is always there.
  • 14. Bad people will get what they deserve. Good people will be rewarded for their deeds.
  • 15. A fool will believe anything; smart people watch their step.
  • 16. Sensible people are careful to stay out of trouble, but stupid people are careless and act too quickly.
  • 17. People with a hot temper do foolish things; wiser people remain calm.
  • 18. Ignorant people get what their foolishness deserves, but the clever are rewarded with knowledge.
  • 19. Evil people will have to bow down to the righteous and humbly beg their favor.
  • 20. No one likes the poor, not even their neighbors, but the rich have many friends.
  • 21. If you want to be happy, be kind to the poor; it is a sin to despise anyone.
  • 22. You will earn the trust and respect of others if you work for good; if you work for evil, you are making a mistake.
  • 23. Work and you will earn a living; if you sit around talking you will be poor.
  • 24. Wise people are rewarded with wealth, but fools are known by their foolishness.
  • 25. A witness saves lives when he tells the truth; when he tells lies, he betrays people.
  • 26. Reverence for the LORD gives confidence and security to a man and his family.
  • 27. Do you want to avoid death? Reverence for the LORD is a fountain of life.
  • 28. A king's greatness depends on how many people he rules; without them he is nothing.
  • 29. If you stay calm, you are wise, but if you have a hot temper, you only show how stupid you are.
  • 30. Peace of mind makes the body healthy, but jealousy is like a cancer.
  • 31. If you oppress poor people, you insult the God who made them; but kindness shown to the poor is an act of worship.
  • 32. Wicked people bring about their own downfall by their evil deeds, but good people are protected by their integrity.
  • 33. Wisdom is in every thought of intelligent people; fools know nothing about wisdom.
  • 34. Righteousness makes a nation great; sin is a disgrace to any nation.
  • 35. Kings are pleased with competent officials, but they punish those who fail them.