طلبت صلاة خاصة في موقع مزار لوردس في فرنسا على نية شفاء اخونا المبارك. Aymonded
Submit your Catholic Prayer Request to Our Lady of Lourdes using our FREE online Prayer delivery service. Your petition / prayer request will be placed at the Grotto here in Lourdes, as quickly as possible. Millions of pilgrims come here to Lourdes each year and many of them place their prayers at the Grotto.
Lourdes Prayer Request
FREE Prayer Requests Online, have your intentions placed at the Grotto in Lourdes today!
Lourdes Prayer Request Form
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Details: I request s special prayer for our dear colleagues Aymonded to heal him from blood cancer completely who is now healed from corona virus and may God Rise him from his illness and Bring him back to serve him as he has done for several years for the glory of Jesus and rejoys us his well
return Amen
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Prayer Request
It is Catholic tradition in Lourdes, to ask for prayers in memory and in hope. There is a prayer intentions box next to the Our Lady of Lourdes statue at the Grotto, in the Lourdes Sanctuary, where prayer intentions can be deposited. All prayers are read by one of the Priests here in Lourdes and as many prayers as possible are read out at Mass.
Prayer Request Box in Lourdes Grotto
Whatever your needs are, prayer provides strong belief, to any situation you may be faced with. Many people find prayers to assist them in every day life and with any difficulties they may have before them. We understand your intentions are sacred and you can be assured that they will be kept strictly confidential