تعالى بقة يا حبيبى نشوف المدلسين سكوك على قفاك ازاى
تعالى نطبق المكان اللى قالته مراجع عالمية على الخرايط
بس انا الىل هعمل الصورة مش العيال الهبلة ام الريالة الىل بتنقل منهم
المشكلة ان كل الخرايط بتاكد المكان الصح والاهبل ابو ريالة مش عارف يقرا الخريطة
ايوة فاران مظبوط فى الخريطة شرقها جزيرة العرب وهو جنوب فلسطين انظروا معى
هتلاقوها واقعة بين مصر وجزيرة العرب جنوب فلسطين زى مقالت كل المراجع
مالك فى حاجة يا ابنى
بص على الخريطة كدا
خريطة اسرائيلية بتوضح مكان برية فاران فى المكان المذكور فى كل المراجع المحترمة
بما ان بقة النهاردة الجو سقعة ومشغل الدفاية وبشرب نسكافية نتسلى شوية على البدو المدلسين
خدلك بقة شوية خرايط كدا على الماشى
خريطة من موقع اسرائيلى بتوضح مسير شعب الله من مصر لاسرائيل والعربية تحت معتبوش عليها
من اطلس الكتاب المقدس
ثانيا احنا نتعب نفسنا ليه بالخرايط فى اختراع اسمع جوجل ايرث تتدخل عليه من بيتكوا تبقى فى فى منطقة فى العالم فى خمس دقايق تشوف اللى انت عايزة
ندخل على جوجل ايرث نشوف
يالهوى على الكسوف حتى جوجل ايرث بيقول يا مسلمين بطلوا تدليس بطلوس تدليس ملتوا البلد
انتوا لسه عايشين مع اهل الكهف
بمقاييس اخرى من جوجل ايرث يا بدو يا متخلفين
كفاية ولا اكمل
هيا بنا لناخذ صاروخا وننطلق الى الفضاء لنرى الكرة الارضية منها وعليها برية فاران تقول يا مسلمين انتوا مبتزهقوش من العجن والتهجيص
خريطة للخروج بالستالايت من ناسا عليها مسيرة شعب اسرائيل
وشوفوا فين العربية وفين فاران
Desert, corresponding to the present Badiyyat al-Tih, bounded on the north by the Jabal al-Makhrah, on the south by the watershed toward the Sinai Peninsula, on the east by the mountains of Wadi al-'Arabah, and on the west by the Wadi al-'Arish. Ishmael is said to have settled here after his separation from Abraham (Gen. xxi. 21). The Israelites went there on leaving the territory of Sinai, and the spies went thence into Canaan (Num. x. 12, xiii. 3). David went to Paran after having made peace with Saul (I Sam. xxv. 1). In the Roman period a highway led through this desert, according to the "Tabula Peutingeriana" (ed. Miller, 1888), but now Al-Tih is a desolate waste.
Locality near the southern boundary of Canaan, between Israel and Edom. Moses repeated the Law to the Israelites "between Paran and Tophel" (Deut. i. 1), and the Edomite Hadad stopped at Paran when fleeing before Solomon to Egypt (I Kings xi. 18). According to the "Onomasticon" of Eusebius (ed. Lagarde, p. 298), this place is identical with the present Ḳal'at al-Naḥl.
Mountain or mountain range. "Yhwh shined forth from Mount Paran" (Deut. xxxiii. 2), and "the Holy One [came] from Mount Paran" (Hab. iii. 3). This mountain or mountain range may be identical with the mountains surrounding the present Wadi al-'Arabah.E.
Paran is a desert area located in the north-eastern section of the Sinai peninsula, with the Arabah on the east and the wilderness of Shur on the west (see Bible Places). The Israelites arrived in the wilderness of Paran after a three day journey north from Mount Sinai, as attested by its modern-day name Badiet et-Tih, meaning "the desert of the wanderings." It was from Kadesh, in Paran, that the twelve scouts were sent into the Promised Land to gather information prior to what would have been the Israelites' entry just a little more than two years after the Exodus (Numbers 10:11), but only Joshua and Caleb had the courage and faith to report that the people should go in and take the land that God was giving them. An often overlooked fact of Bible History is that the Israelites wandered in the desert for forty years not because the journey took that long to physically complete (the spies went in and returned in a matter of days), but as a death sentence for those who refused to enter the Promised Land when they first had the chance to do so. They were placed in a "holding pattern" until all of the disobedient and cowardly ones of adult age had died off (Numbers 32:10-13). Who or what they were did not save them, only those who obeyed God entered the land of God's Promise.